Release notes (Feb 5-12, 2021)

Take a peek at the latest features and fixes from Dutchie!

Features: 🏗 🏪

Oregon edible purchase limits (by weight & subcategory)

We've updated our compliance logic to use product weight to enforce purchase limits on both solid and liquid edibles in Oregon:

Solid Edibles (Net Weight) - 16oz for both rec and med

  • Chocolates, gummies, baked goods, capsules, tablets, chews, hard candy, frozen treats, savory snacks, cooking/baking, and dissolvable

Liquid Edibles (Volume) - 72oz for both rec and med

  • Drinks, tinctures, topicals

Fixes: 🏥 🩺

Customer checkout in Kiosk mode

When using Kiosk mode for checkouts, there was previously a bug preventing customers from inputting their First Name, Last Name, or Phone Number. This is now fixed, and customers can enter their information successfully.

Washington flower purchasing limits

This fix prevents infused pre-roll products from triggering the Washington state flower purchase limit. For WA state, only flower and non-infused pre-roll products should count toward a cart's overall flower purchase limit.

Now a customer can correctly add 7g infused pre-roll + 1oz flower into the cart at checkout.

Payment Method notifications update based on order type:

Previously at checkout when "Pickup" was selected as the order type, and "Debit Card" is selected as the payment type, a green notification would read "No info needed, your card will be charged upon delivery."

The notification will now change to match the customers selected order type.