Release notes (June 04-June 11, 2021)

Take a peek at the latest features and fixes from Dutchie!

Features: 🏗 🏪

Florida - Add Orals Category 🐊

For Florida dispensaries. we've added Orals as a Category, and moved a few subcategories to this new category. This feature includes the following changes:

  • Adds "Orals" category for all Florida dispensaries
  • Moves the following Subcategories under Orals: Capsules/Tablets, Sublingual Products
  • Removes Subcategory Drinks from Edibles: Drinks are not approved in FL

Fixes: 🏥 🩺

Mobile: Menu Filters Not Working When Additional Filters Added

When shopping on mobile, first filter works as expected. If user tries to add a second filter, the results are not properly changed to reflect the desired criteria. This is now fixed.

Updates to Dutchie's Privacy Policy

We've recently made updates to our privacy policy which can be found at