Release notes (June 11-June 18, 2021)

Take a peek at the latest features and fixes from Dutchie!

Features: 🏗 🏪

Florida - Add Orals Category 🐊

For Florida dispensaries. we've added Orals as a Category, and moved a few subcategories to this new category. This feature includes the following changes:

  • Adds "Orals" category for all Florida dispensaries
  • Moves the following Subcategories under Orals: Capsules/Tablets, Sublingual Products
  • Removes Subcategory Drinks from Edibles: Drinks are not approved in FL

Fixes: 🏥 🩺

Florida - Custom Category Photos For Orals 🐊

Florida dispensaries can not navigate to Settings > Customize > Category Photos to update their category photos.

THC Content can not be updated

Fixes an issue with Menu > Specific Item > THC Content. Specifically, the THC Content range can now be updated when switching from mg to %.

Greenbits Places input optional

This changes the Settings > Integrations > Greenbits > Settings: Places input to be optional. Users can now save integration card settings even with no input in the Places field.

Error When Using The Wipe Menu Button

Fixes the “Wipe Menu” button in Settings > Integrations > Integration Card.

  • If Menu Sync is in progress and user attempts to Wipe Menu: the error message "Menu sync in progress. Please try again later." is displayed and the menu wipe is prevented.
  • If Menu Sync is not in progress and user attempts to Wipe Menu: the success message "Menu has been successfully wiped!" is displayed and the menu wipe is completed.

Creating Specials For Brand With Prefix Names

Previously, users were unable to create a special for brands with a prefix (Dr. Jolly’s, Mr. Moxey’s, Dr. Dabber, and Mr. Mack’s). This has now been fixed.

Fractions On Terminal Receipts

Previously, menu items such as “RAW - 1¼ Organic Unbleached Rolling Papers” would drop the fraction when printing on terminal receipts. This fix prints the fractions on the receipt, just in longer form (i.e. "¾" becomes "3/4").

Unable To Edit Specials $ Field when 'Any Weight' is selected

Previously, if Any Weight was selected, and user attempted to input a value in the $ field, the value was deleted. This now works as expected by allowing users to input a $ value.

Eugene City Updated With Recent City Limit Data

We've update the delivery zones for Eugene, Oregon to allow for delivery within the entire city limits.

Coupons Applying To Non Valid Orders In Edit Orders View

Previously when editing order, coupon was applied to every product regardless of the category settings. Now, Coupons only apply to the items that fall under the correct category.