Release notes (May 21-May 28, 2021)

Take a peek at the latest features and fixes from Dutchie!

Features: ๐Ÿ— ๐Ÿช

Updated Order Terminal to v2.10

We've recently released a several software enhancements to the Order Terminal to improve stability and performance. These update do not impact the look and feel of the Terminal for dispensary staff.

Fixes: ๐Ÿฅ ๐Ÿฉบ

Use Camera Feature Required Two Attempts

Previously, the โ€œUse Cameraโ€ button at checkout was not working on the first attempt. Customers would have to click camera button and go through process twice for the image to save properly. This fix ensures image saves on the the first attempt.

Order Type Modal Issue On Embedded Menus

Previously, when customers added a product to the cart, the "Select an order type" pop-up modal was not displaying correctly. Now the modal has been fixed to correctly display for customers to select Pickup or Delivery. If customers "X's" out of the modal, the order type defaults to Pickup.